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Ursuline Women's Teachers' Training College, Lohardaga

Affiliated to Ranchi University Ranchi, NAAC accredited with Grade B++

Open admission in M. Ed. and B. Ed. Course are available for the session 2024-26

Vision Statement

We, the Faculty of Ursuline Women’s Teachers’ Training College, Lohardaga, enable the students to become integrated persons, and torchbearers of future generation, face the challenges of life, recognize the human dignity and contribute to the Building up of the Nation.

The name Ursuline

The Ursuline Women's Teachers' Training College derives its name from St. Ursula the patroness of the Ursuline Sisters.

St. Ursula:

St. Ursula was a virgin and martyr who was highly venerated in the West as the patroness of educators and the youth. St. Ursula’s undivided Love for Christ even to the point of martyrdom had inspired St. Angela Deeply.

St. Angela:

Angela was born in Desenzano, in North Italy. She was a Tertiary of St. Francis of Assisi. She began to teach Catechism to children and families to revive the faith. She served people of all ranks, especially the most neglected.

Foundation of the Congregation

Ursuline Congregation was founded y St. Angela Merici in Brescia on November 25. 1535. Angela wanted her daughters to emulate the love and heroic courage of St. Ursula, her generosity and zeal and educate children and women, and thus renew the families and bring about transformation in the Society and give it a new life. Angela wished her followers never to abandon their apostolate among the youth. It was Angela’s deep humility to wish that while her SPIRIT should remain alive in the congregation, it was nevertheless not to be named after her, the Foundress. Today in India, there is a large number of educational institutions which bear the name of St. Ursula.

Fr. John Cornelius lambertz

Fr. J. C. lambertz was born at Hoogstraten in Belgium. In response to God’s call he left behind his successful career of a Chemist and became the Parish Priest of Tildonk. At that time Tildonk was in a state of spiritual destitution. With the help of three generous young women he began educating children, especially girls, believing that they in turn would change their families and renew the face of the Church and the society at large. The little group of Sisters increased in number and a Religious Congregation was born. They were given the Constitutions of the Ursuline of Bordeaux, France, who were ounded by St. Angela Merici. Fr. John Lambertz called his Sisters “Daughters of St. Ursula” which started in Tildonk, Belgium on 30th April 1818. Thus, today we are called the Ursuline Sisters of the Congregation of Tildonk.

College Emblem

The Open Book:

Symbolizes openness to Konwledge. The College hopes that the students and teachers of Ursuline Women's Teachers' Training College, will be fully open to imbibe knowledge and wisdom and be ever ready to disseminate it far and wide.

The Rising Sun:

Removes darkness from the earth. This college aims at removing al forms of darkness such as ignorance, casteism, racism, pride, elfishness, apathy etc. from the minds and hearts of the students.

Map of India:

The college invites students for learning, irrespective of caste or creed, and those who have been in this College are expected to go out to any place to spread their knowledge without inhibition.

Aim and objectives

To educate the young women in a spirit of service to the humanity is the main objective of this institution. The society’s priorities in education, are not only academic excellence, but also formation of young women in discipline, hard work, moral and religious values. These priorities are meant to prepare them for life, by promoting intellectual excellence, uprightness of character, emotional maturity, scientific temper, spirit of healthy competition and sportsmanship through co-curricular activities, moral sensitivity to the needs and rights of others especially the poor, religious tolerance and national integration.It is the aim of the College that the students who take their training here become integrated and well formed guides who will companion the young learners on their journey of becoming fully human.

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